When is Black Friday 2024: Your Ultimate Shopping Guide

When is Black Friday 2024? Get ready to mark your calendars and dive into the world of exclusive deals and shopping strategies. In this guide, Gift 29 will unveil the essential details and historical journey of Black Friday, helping you make the most of this year’s shopping bonanza.

History of Black Friday in the UK

Before finding the answer to the question of when is Black Friday 2024, let’s look at its history first to discover some interesting facts related to the event. The history of Black Friday in the United Kingdom is a fascinating journey that reflects the evolving shopping landscape and consumer habits. Contrary to its American origins, Black Friday’s emergence in the UK has taken a unique path, intertwining the nation’s cultural nuances with the excitement of this shopping phenomenon.

  • Origin and Evolution

History of Black Friday in UK
History of Black Friday in UK

Black Friday’s roots are deeply intertwined with the history of the United States, but it has also made its mark in the culture of the United Kingdom. The term “Black Friday” originally had nothing to do with shopping; it was coined in the 19th century to describe a financial crisis. Over time, the name was adapted to the shopping event we know today due to the chaotic and bustling nature of the day.

As the years have passed, Black Friday has become an integral part of British culture, with retailers embracing the tradition. The transformation from a day of deep discounts and frenzied shopping has now become a hallmark of the modern holiday season in the UK. This is also the reason why the question of when is black friday 2024 has been a hot topic even in 2024.

  • Black Friday in the 21st Century in the UK

The 21st century has witnessed Black Friday’s rapid evolution from a local phenomenon to a global retail celebration, including in the United Kingdom. It’s no longer confined to the United States; it’s now a worldwide phenomenon, and the UK has fully embraced this shopping extravaganza. The integration of e-commerce and online shopping has further widened the reach of Black Friday, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection in the UK.

Trends in Black Friday History in the UK
Trends in Black Friday History in the UK

  • Key Moments and Trends in Black Friday History in the UK

Throughout its history in the UK, Black Friday has seen various trends and iconic moments. Some British retailers have embraced the notion of staying closed on Thanksgiving Day, promoting a more relaxed shopping experience. In contrast, others have adopted the American approach by starting Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving evening.

The trend of extending Black Friday deals earlier in the week or even for the entire month of November, often referred to as “Black November,” is gaining traction in the UK as well. This extended period allows British consumers more time to plan and take full advantage of the discounts offered during this shopping extravaganza.

When is Black Friday 2024?

Now that we understand the history of Black Friday in UK culture, let’s look at the date and time details of this special event of the year.

  • Official Date and Day of the Week

Black Friday 2024 falls on Friday, November 29th. Mark your calendars and set your alarms because this is the day you’ve been waiting for. It’s the ideal time to snag those deals you’ve been eyeing all year.

Store Opening Hours on Black Friday 2024
Store Opening Hours on Black Friday 2024

Traditionally, Black Friday is associated with early morning store openings, with some retailers even offering midnight openings. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards more flexible opening times. Many stores open on Thanksgiving Day itself, giving shoppers the opportunity to start their bargain hunting earlier. It’s essential to check with your local stores for their specific opening times.

  • Early Black Friday Deals and Promotions

The excitement of Black Friday often starts before the official date. Retailers are known to launch early deals and promotions in the days leading up to Black Friday. Keep an eye on your favorite stores’ websites and newsletters, as they will often announce these deals well in advance.

  • Impact of Thanksgiving Day on Black Friday

Thanksgiving Day plays a significant role in the timing of Black Friday. For some, it’s an opportunity to kick off the holiday shopping season. However, the overlap of Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales sometimes means that people need to make a choice between family dinners and hunting for bargains. This dynamic has sparked ongoing debates about the commercialization of the holiday season.

With the information above, you can easily find the answer to not only the question when is Black Friday 2024 but also when is Black Friday in the years to come.

Black Friday Shopping Strategies

In addition to the question “When is Black Friday 2024”, the question of what are some shopping tactics for the event is also posed by many people. When Black Friday approaches, savvy shoppers know that success hinges on strategic planning. From setting a budget that aligns with your goals to creating a prioritized shopping list, it’s all about careful preparation.

  • Planning Ahead for Black Friday

The key to a successful Black Friday shopping experience is planning. Start by setting a budget that you can comfortably work within. Make a shopping list with the items you want to purchase, prioritizing the most crucial ones. Be sure to account for gifts and personal items. To get inspiration for this event, discover our collection of Occasions gift.

  • Online vs. In-Store Shopping

One of the most significant changes in Black Friday shopping habits in recent years is the shift towards online shopping. The convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home, often with access to the same deals as in-store shoppers, is a significant draw.

However, in-store shopping can provide a unique experience for those who enjoy the thrill of the hunt. You can physically inspect products and potentially discover unadvertised deals.

  • Doorbusters and Limited-Time Offers

Doorbusters are the deals that attract the most attention during Black Friday. These are heavily discounted items available for a limited time and in limited quantities. To secure doorbusters, you may need to arrive early and wait in line.

Besides knowing clearly when is black friday 2024, it’s also crucial to be prepared for the competition and know the store’s policies regarding doorbusters. Additionally, be cautious about doorbusters that seem too good to be true, as some retailers may use them to lure shoppers into their stores.

Loyalty Programs and Rewards on Black Friday
Loyalty Programs and Rewards on Black Friday

  • Loyalty Programs and Rewards

If you’re a loyal customer of certain stores, you can make the most of Black Friday by utilizing loyalty programs and credit card rewards. Many retailers offer special deals and discounts to their loyal customers. It’s worth signing up for loyalty programs in advance and using credit cards that offer cashback or rewards.

Cyber Monday: Extending the Savings

As Black Friday fever begins to subside, a new opportunity for savvy shoppers emerges – Cyber Monday. The question of “When is Black Friday 2024” is now changed into “When is Cyber Monday”. This digital shopping extravaganza, which follows its brick-and-mortar cousin, Black Friday, is dedicated to the online realm, offering a treasure trove of exclusive deals. 

  • Explanation of Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday, which follows Black Friday, is another significant shopping event. It’s exclusively focused on online deals and was introduced to encourage online shopping. This year, this event falls on Monday, December 2nd.

  • Key Differences Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Key Differences Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Key Differences Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday

While Black Friday and Cyber Monday share some similarities, they have distinct differences. Black Friday often features a wider range of products and in-store deals, while Cyber Monday is geared towards online shoppers. Some deals may carry over from Black Friday to Cyber Monday, but not all.

  • Tips for Shopping on Cyber Monday

When shopping on Cyber Monday, make sure you’re well-prepared. Create a list of items you want to purchase, have your payment information ready, and keep an eye on your favorite online retailers’ websites. Be cautious about online security and ensure you’re shopping from secure and trusted websites.


As Black Friday 2024 approaches, the anticipation is building. With a rich history, smart shopping strategies, and an understanding of Black Friday’s significance, you’re well-equipped to make the most of this year’s deals. Whether you’re a seasoned Black Friday shopper or a newbie, this 2024 year’s event promises to be unforgettable.

So, as the question of when is Black Friday 2024 is answered, mark your calendar, prepare your shopping list, and get ready to make the most of Black Friday 2024. 

And now, in order to enjoy this year’s event, please have a look at our sharing on what day is Black Friday 2024! It’s a day you won’t want to miss!